
Diversity and Innovation Tech Fest @West Tech 2023

Westtech Fest


About the Event

About This Event

Diversity and Innovation Techfest 2023, a satellite event of West Tech Fest 2023, is dedicated to embracing and spotlighting culturally and linguistically diverse individuals, LGBTQIA+ individuals, First Nations peoples, individuals with disabilities, those experiencing age-based discrimination, women and girls, and neurodivergent individuals.

This exceptional event celebrates the remarkable contributions made by diverse communities. It serves as a platform to delve into fresh ideas and opportunities, fostering growth in careers and businesses.

Event Information

Date: Monday, 4th December 2023

Time: 11:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Registration: bit.ly/marginpreneur23

Program of the Day

11:30 - 12:00 Networking Lunch

12:00 - 12:15 Event Opening Ceremony

12:15 - 01:00 Panel 1: Charting Diversity: The Entrepreneurial Odyssey

  1. Dr. Eunice Sari, Customer Experience Insight and Marginpreneur (Moderator)
  2. Hon. Ayor Makur Chuot MLC, Member of North Metropolitan Region, WA Parliament
  3. Dr. Marcus Tan, Purpose Ventures
  4. Dr Megan Sebben, CSIRO Kickstart
  5. Jeremy Chetty, Student Edge
  6. Sherin Breuer, UPitch.Me
  7. Alex Jenkins, Director, WADSIH

01:00 - 01:15 Break: Program Launch and Storytelling

01:15 - 02:00 Panel 2: Diversity in Innovation: Nurturing an Inclusive Ecosystem

  1. Assoc. Prof. Parwinder Kaur (PhD), Pathway to Diversity in STEM Review, Australia | Special Advisor - Science and Tech Plan, JTSI (Moderator)
  2. Hon. Stephen Dawson MLC, Minister for Emergency Services; Innovation and the Digital Economy; Science; Medical Research
  3. Danelle Cross, Curtin University
  4. Kai Solanki, StartupWA
  5. Melody De Cruz, East Metropolitan Health Service
  6. Sommer Bessire-Briers, US Consulate
  7. Prof Shamit Saggar CBE FAcSS, National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University

02:00 - 02:30 Afternoon Tea

02:30 - 03:30 Mini Co-Lab

03:30 - 04:30 Panel 3: Future Skills

  1. Mat Lewis, Creative Tech Village (Moderator)
  2. Sarah James, Capgemini
  3. Karen Cheng, Mechanical Rock
  4. Shane Lewis, Koodaideri Innovation and Technology


Customer Experience Insight

Community & Media Partners

  1. Ammo Marketing
  2. CSIRO
  3. Indonesia Institute


  1. Google Developer Groups Perth
  2. Women Techmakers Perth
  3. City of Perth
  4. WA Life Science Hub
  5. Creative Tech Village Hub
  6. CyberWest Hub
  7. WA Data Science Innovation Hub