
Clinical Trials 2018: National Tribute & Awards Ceremony

Australian Clinical Trials Alliance


About the Event

The Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (ACTA), together with event partner the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), warmly invite you to join a host of guests to pay tribute to the remarkable Australians who make ground breaking clinical trials possible.

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP will present Australia's premier awards recognising outstanding achievements in investigator-initiated clinical trials - the ACTA Trial of the Year Awards. This year the event will announce the launch of a new Australian initiative ‘ Clinical Trials: Impact & Quality (CT:IQ)’ - an MTPConnect Project Fund Program recipient. CT:IQ's mission is “ to develop and implement recommendations that will improve the impact, quality and efficiency of clinical trials, leading to more rapid, lower cost and higher quality evaluation of healthcare interventions in Australia”.

MTPConnect's GM International and Government Sandhya Tewari will also be attending and speaking.