
Webinar: Clinical Quality, Economic Value, and Available Data Sources: How these Work Hand in Hand



About the Event

This webinar will walk the audience through clinical quality, economic value, and data sources. This will include a look at how healthcare reform is changing the focus of healthcare with the triple aim and how medical device and diagnostic companies can use clinical data tied with economic data to assist in achieving optimal coverage. The webinar will give several case studies of economic studies and demonstrate how they have assisted medical device companies. Additionally, this webinar will discuss different available data sources and how they can be used to created optimal economic studies and models that can be used to assist with market access.

Agenda topics include:

  • Healthcare reform and economics for medical devices
  • How to analyze and show your economic value
  • Case studies of successful healthcare economic models made with claims data
  • Available data source


  • David Gregory, Principal, Healthcare Consulting Practice Leader, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP
  • Christina Cool, Consulting Manager, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP