
MedTechVic futuremap® workshop – Bosch Australia Manufacturing Solutions

  • 24 Jun 2022
  • 08:30AM
  • Save to my Calendar
  • 1555 Centre Road, Clayton, Bosch Australia Manufacturing Solutions, Victoria, Australia

BioMelbourne Network


About the Event

Are you ready to take your business to the next level, but unsure what that looks like? Start your digital transformation journey towards Industry 4.0 with us!

To remain competitive Australian manufacturers need to think about their business in new ways. Going digital is becoming imperative for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in manufacturing and process related industries.

If you are a Healthtech SME (or in lab processing and testing, traditional device manufacturers, pharma, biopharma or suppliers into these industries) digital is becoming a necessity. Business model innovation and leadership, enabled by digital technologies can change the way companies create and capture value while developing a mindset of continuous improvement.

Packed with industry examples and developed specifically for business owners and senior executives in a manufacturing or process related industry, these FREE futuremap® interactive workshops incorporate a self-diagnostic tool that helps generate a holistic view of your business and provoke thinking.

This workshop will:

  • help you think differently about the opportunities and challenges of digital manufacturing;
  • map the current state of your business with respect to capabilities and characteristics vital for future competitiveness and success, and compare this to where you aspire to be in two years time;
  • assist in identifying the primary gaps between your current state and your aspirations, which will help you develop key areas of focus and potential investment;
  • provide guidance for next steps and help identify where assistance can be sought to support you on your transition into digital manufacturing.

Prepare to be inspired, to learn and grow during your futuremap® workshop!

Who is it for?
Business owners and senior executives (e.g. General Managers, CEOs) of small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in a Victorian Healthtech manufacturing or process related industry.

What will I get from it?
At the end of this 2.5 hour workshop, you will be provided with a customised futuremap® report identifying growth opportunities, areas of improvement and introduced to resources that can guide you along your continuous improvement journey.

Brought to you by BioMelbourne Network - For more information and to register click here.