
Opening the Vault Series - ARMI: Monash University

Convergence Science Network


About the Event

The Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) is dedicated to unlocking the regenerative capabilities of the human body. 4 groups of 15 people will be taken on a tour of the facilities of ARMI.

Programme for the night:

Regeneration 101

An introduction to what regeneration is and concept of this phenomenon occurring naturally within various animals, including fish and axolotls.

Behind the pretty picture

Getting data for scientific research is dependant on the background infrastructure.

Stem cells 101

Learn what a stem cell is and how they can be sourced, ie embryonic, adult and pluripotent stem cells. View a stem cell 'live'

ARMI Artist in Residence program

The institute actively pursues communicating to the community the importance of their work. This program provides a platform for emerging artist who are interested in science to gain inspiration.