
BNE | German-Australian Medtech Cooperations in Queensland

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • 11:30AM
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  • Herston Rd, Herston Health Precinct, Herston , QLD, Australia

German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce Health Cluster


About the Event

An insight into innovative custom-made medical devices and clinical trials featuring BellaSeno/Metro North

The German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce Health Cluster in partnership with their members Queensland Government and BellaSeno invite you to their first event in 2023 in Brisbane.

On February 1st, 2023, we would like you to join our special event about German-Australian Medtech cooperations in Queensland – An insight into innovative custom-made medical devices and clinical trials featuring Metro North and BellaSeno.

The Health Cluster Members (exclusively for AHK Health Cluster Members due to limited numbers) will start the day with an exclusive guided tour through the Herston Health Precinct. This will include a visit to the Herston Biofabrication Institute. The tour will not only allow you to learn about their work in advancing knowledge and technology in 3D scanning, but also in 3D modelling and 3D printing of medical devices, bone, cartilage as well as human tissue. We will also gain insight into other highly advanced research areas of the Herston Health Precinct at the Metro North Health Service in Brisbane.

Afterwards (open to all registered delegates), a light networking lunch at the Herston Health Precinct will provide the opportunity to meet other industry members, health professionals and clinicians, as well as other professionals and researchers in Brisbane. This will be followed by presentations and discussion by BellaSeno together with Professor Owen Ung, University of Queensland and Professor Gerhard Schmidmaier, Heidelberg University Hospital and other speakers to be confirmed. This high-ranking panel will present and talk about ground-breaking medical engineering and the values and challenges of international cooperation in the innovative Medtech space and the corresponding clinical trials.

About our event partner: BellaSeno GmbH

BellaSeno is an ISO 13485-certified clinical-stage medical device company focusing on regenerative implants produced by additive manufacturing across multiple structural tissue reconstruction applications. Recent first-stage trials have shown great success in the application of 3-D printed resorbable implants in pectus excavatum, a common congenital chest wall deformity in which the breastbone is sunken into the chest as well as patients requiring an exchange of silicone breast implants while these are then replaced with BellaSeno’s resorbable breast scaffolds. Based in Leipzig, Germany and Brisbane QLD, BellaSeno’s managing board is visiting Brisbane in January to enable the professional exchange between the surgeons that have very successfully conducted the first trials in Australia and international surgeons who will conduct further trials overseas.

The event will offer you the opportunity to learn about the highly innovative work the Metro North - Herston Health Precinct is doing in cooperation with BellaSeno in the space of research of regenerative implants and clinical trials. It will further give an insight into clinical trials in Queensland in general and what opportunities the region provides for successful translational research and clinical development. A Q&A and open discussion will give you the opportunity to seek further information and make valuable connections in the field of innovative Medtech and clinical trials.

Key details:

Date: 1st February 2023, 10:15 am – 2:30 pm

Location: Herston Health Precinct, Brisbane

  • 10:15 am - 10:30 am Arrival (AHK Health Cluster Members)
  • 10:30 am - 11:30 am Exclusive Health Cluster Herston Health Precinct Tour (AHK Health Cluster Members)
  • 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Networking Light Lunch (All Delegates)
  • 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm Presentation and discussion (All Delegates)

Confirmed Speakers:

More speakers from Metro North - Herston Health Precinct and Queensland Health will be confirmed soon.

For more information and to register, visit the website.