
Workforce and Capacity Summit 2021

ARCS Australia


About the Event

The shortage of a skilled workforce has become critical across the MTP sector, exacerbated by the restrictions on international travel due to the pandemic. The lack of professional standards has contributed to a lack of consistency in the recruitment and development of talent.

However, the pandemic has only exposed a problem which has been there for some time. The MTPConnect Workforce Skills Report has confirmed the skills shortage across the sector. This shortage is creating risks for our sector as staff are completing activities and functions, they don’t have the experience, nor the competency to undertake. The skills shortage has also fostered a “buy” rather than “build” approach in some parts of the ecosystem ultimately introducing inefficiencies and adding costs to doing business in Australia.

Workforce streams

The summit is organised into the following workforce streams:

  • Medical affairs workforce stream (stream A)
  • mRNA vaccine manufacturing workforce stream (stream B)
  • Regulatory affairs workforce stream (stream C)
  • Clinical trials workforce stream (stream D)
  • Pharmacovigilance workforce stream (stream E)

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